Are you where you want to be or where you need to be?


Pam Drzewiecki


“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” – Audrey Hepburn

Webster’s Dictionary describes a “want” as a desire or a wish for something we might like to have rather than a requirement for healthy living.

A “need” is something that a person must have: something that is necessary in order to live, succeed, or be happy.

Most of us need a job; but is it the job we want?

I invite you to think about where you are now. Is it where you want to be?

When I started off in my young adult life my goal was to become an artist. I remember in high school using all of my electives in the art room with my teacher. Ms. Lysak. She rocked. I was going to become her! 

I worked hard, put a portfolio together, from sketches, to set design ideas, to pictures of the pottery I made, etc. It was so much fun! I could only imagine how amazing it would be to get paid to do what I loved. 

I was encouraged by her. I was guided by her. The arts truly filled my life and set the foundation for my future. But it ended up not being in the cards for me. (That is another story for another time.)

My husband, Michael, had a similar experience with his art teacher, Mr. Johnson. Michael is truly talented in art and so many other things. 

Funny though, neither of us went into the art field. I went to business school, worked in retail, data entry, started at Northwestern Mutual as a pool secretary and worked there for 28 years in several positions until I left as COO of Freeman Financial Services to start my own coaching practice where I am a productivity and leadership coach for women and founder of the Powerful Purpose Community. 

Michael had a similar journey of hard work and determination that brought him to where he is today. 

Our destination wasn’t where we thought it would be but it is exactly where we want to be now! 

Three things I would like to share with you that made the journey fruitful.

  1. Understanding that doors open even when they don’t seem to be the ones you want to walk through. 
  2. No matter what you end up doing, stay true to your values. 
  3. Hard work, determination, and commitment pay off.

I invite you to take some time and identify your journey. Where did it bring you? Are you still on the path? Do you want to continue or do a course correction?

When you truly have an active part in your outcome, the results no matter where you end up will be sweeter because you have chosen the path to follow. Even though I wanted to be an artist, I wouldn’t change the path I chose or that chose me, because I love where I have ended up. 

Now at age 54, I have been a business owner for 4 years. It has been spectacular. I get to help women manage their time and achieve their most important goals. Helping them love their journey as much as I love mine! 

Remember to stay true to yourself. You are worth it!

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Proverbs 31:25 says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future".