Breathe! The Preperations Will Get Done


Pam Drzewiecki


Deep Breath!

Do you remember when you were a kid, the holidays were upon you, the excitement bubbled up and that it felt like December was the longest month of the year?

Do you remember the magic of Christmas morning…when you walked down the stairs and all of those presents were under the tree?

I remember those days. I loved Christmas as a kid. My family didn’t have a lot of money but it was always so special. I truly believe my mom and dad had a “Santa Claus” that helped them make the day special. We were blessed!

As an adult I was always stressed around the holidays. Would I have enough time to get everything done? Would I have enough presents under the tree? Would they be the right presents? Would I forget someone? Are the cards ordered and done? Did I pick the right picture out for them? The list goes on and on. It was a chore. All holiday stuff on top of what my regular responsibilities were. Oh MY!

Over the past two years, I find myself not stressing as much. At first, I was wondering, do I not really care anymore? Or was it that I have finally come to a place where I understand the true meaning? Contentment and joy has set in.

I know things will get done; they always do. If I don’t bake that extra batch of cookies will anyone really notice and if they do…will it matter? If the stocking isn’t overflowing will it matter?

No matter what you celebrate this time of year, I invite you to enjoy the reason for the season for you. Reflect on the happenings of 2020. Embrace what is different and how you and your family adapted. Envision what lies ahead for 2021 and understand what you can control and make it great!

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Proverbs 31:25 says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future".