Pam Drzewiecki

Powerful Purpose Community

Nugget of The Day – Purpose


Pam Drzewiecki



Nugget of The Day

Nugget of the Day: When you align with your purpose you live in a place that just works! #nugget Thank ...
Powerful Purpose Community

Nugget of The Day – Consistency


Pam Drzewiecki



Nugget of The Day

Nugget of the Day: Consistency + Change = Freedom #nugget Be consistent and be open to change when the view ...
Powerful Purpose Community

Nugget of the Day – Vision


Pam Drzewiecki



Nugget of The Day

Nugget of the Day: In order to gain your full potential you need to push your limits. #nugget What are ...
Powerful Purpose Community

Nugget of the Day – Expand Your Circle


Pam Drzewiecki



Nugget of The Day

Nugget of the Day: Don’t be the smartest person in your “dream team”. #nugget “If everyone is thinking alike then ...

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