How to live a fulfilling life


Pam Drzewiecki


The other day I was talking with a friend and she asked me how I was doing, and I said I was living my best life ever

In the past, I, like most people, would indicate that I was busy, not how I actually was doing. I am still busy; I think we all are, but I am spending my time focusing on thriving activities, not low-energy activities. Low-energy activities are things that bog me down- things that drain me or get me distracted from what I want. Do you find yourself running but never feel you have accomplished what you set out to do?

My life is growing in a different direction each and every day. There are five things I have learned during the past 15 years as I shifted from 40 something to my mid-50s that changed my life. My mid-50s, wow, when did that happen?!

We were not created to live a so-so life. #nugget

Not all things are created equal. Good things arise but sometimes old habits are still lingering. The beauty of getting to know the root cause of these old habits gives you the space to adjust to a new way that fits your current vision.

I am finding that fitness is not all about looking good but the meaning is even deeper. Fitness is a lifestyle of overall wellness. Wellness of your mind for clarity. Wellness of your body for resilience. Wellness for your spirit of connection. 

Identify something great happening and focus on that. Even if there is tons of drama going on, Pause! Breathe! and if you can’t see it, spend time praying, meditating, or journaling about what is not apparent so that you can bring clarity to what is happening. Be patient with yourself. Allow yourself the space and time – give yourself grace.  Find a new perspective. 

When I finally identified it, I decided enough was enough. The life I was living was no longer serving me. It was controlling my emotions, my personal, my spiritual, and even my physical well-being. 

Take a leap of faith. This can be hard. It may feel like you are jumping out of a plane with a parachute but wondering if it will open. It may be the biggest risk-taking action you may ever take in your life. When something is a feeling real deep down in your heart and then all the way to your toes, it is time. 

Taking the leap of faith many times during my life has changed the trajectory of my path. When I got pregnant at 40 or left my long time career at age 50 or started scrolling a dating site after being with someone for 20 years. Each time, it bubbled up new adventures.  

Life is not meant to run linearly. Even though we go from point A (our birth) to point B (our death) it is more interesting when you create a zigzag road map with detours. 

“Be open.” #nugget

Creating a life you love includes taking chances.

Make yourself a priority. Are you thinking that sounds quite selfish? It’s not. We learn from others’ behaviors. What person in your life do you want to emulate? Stay focused there for a minute or two. Take inventory.  Write down the top three things you love about the way that person makes themself a priority. 

I would say if I were to make a list of things I emulate from a person I admire it would be that she takes time to do what she loves to do. She is grounded in her faith and creates her life around it instead of the opposite. She knows how to set boundaries around her time and relationships. 

Plan on incorporating something special every single day. It can be big or small. Create a special prayer or meditation space to go to. Or it can be a special cup of tea or coffee in the middle of the afternoon. Go to an ice cream shop with your kids after school. A workout class that is challenging but you feel amazing afterward. If you are artistic, spend time on your craft. Soaking in a tub (my favorite-as you probably heard already)! Quiet time with your husband after the kids go to bed. Whatever it is, be sure to make it part of your day.

When I am planning my week, I am sure to block time on my calendar for something special each day. What are you going to do?

Living a full life doesn’t mean it’s a perfect one. At least not all the time, but being aware is where the magic happens. So many times we push things down and down. We become numb to our situation or surroundings and we live in a daze.  Or we show up melancholy. Or we put on a “happy” face because that is what we think we should do. 

The other day during a “Support Huddle” Session inside the Den one of the members shared something simple but profound, a great reminder.

We were put here to be happy. 

She proceeded to share with the group, “this is what I am going to do with my time to be happier”. 

We have a choice to live a full life with purpose. We have a choice to say “yes” or “no”. We have a choice to be HAPPY! 

What will it be for you? How will you be happy and live a full life?Hi, I am Pam Drzewiecki, Life Coach | Strategic Thinking Partner of Powerful Purpose Founder of the Purpose Den a community of like-minded women creating a purpose-driven life. Check it out.

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Proverbs 31:25 says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future".